1. Anvil by Deceleration
39 wins, 1 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, The Box, The Mess, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor
lost against: Barbed Arrow
2. War by Deceleration
37 wins, 3 losses
won against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Defender, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor
lost against: Anvil, Oppressoroid, antiwar
3. Oppressoroid by MajorMinion
35 wins, 5 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, FacefulOfPlasma, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Orb, Ram, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, Tide, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, peace
lost against: Anvil, DHC M-1 Defender, EnterPrize, Lazer_Gnideria, blitzkreig
4. antiwar by Camo5
34 wins, 6 losses
won against: , , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Khatar, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, The Box, The Mess, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, War, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: Anvil, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Nacht, antinterceptor3.0, blitzkreig
5. DHC M-1 Defender by Horizon
34 wins, 6 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, FacefulOfPlasma, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
lost against: DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, EnterPrize, Lazer_HummingBird, Orb, War
6. Swordier MK 2 by Sirboomalot
34 wins, 6 losses
won against: , , , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WardenCole, squ1d
lost against: BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, Lazer_Gnideria, Oppressoroid
7. Superinterceptor by Camo5
34 wins, 6 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Box, The Mess, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d
lost against: Anvil, Nacht, SectorDefender, War, antiwar, superinterceptor
8. interceptor by Camo5
32 wins, 8 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SectorDefender, The Box, The Mess, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, blitzkreig, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, Intersniper, Nacht, Superinterceptor, War, antiwar
9. Orb by wyre6330
31 wins, 9 losses
won against: , , , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Intersniper, Oppressoroid, Pariah Mod-C, Swordier MK 2, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor
10. DHC M-1 Winter Contingency by Horizon
31 wins, 9 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Defender, Destroyer, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Glassed MK 2, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Orb, Ram, SentinelMinor, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
lost against: Anonymous, Interceptor, Oppressoroid, Pariah Mod-C, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler
11. Glassed MK 2 by Sirboomalot
31 wins, 9 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Interceptor, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Ram, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole, squ1d
lost against: , DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Swordier MK 2
12. Nacht by Deceleration
31 wins, 9 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace
lost against: Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Oppressoroid, War, antinterceptor3.0, superinterceptor
13. Barbed Arrow by Colin
31 wins, 9 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Intersniper_H, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Box, The Mess, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, blitzkreig, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: BSoft Quad Blast, FacefulOfPlasma, Intersniper, Superinterceptor, War, antiwar, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace
14. Intersniper by Camo5
31 wins, 9 losses
won against: , , BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, The Box, The Mess, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d
lost against: , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anvil, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Superinterceptor, War, superinterceptor
15. Intersniper_H by Camo5
30 wins, 10 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Intersniper, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Pariah Mod-C, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Mess, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d
lost against: , Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Khatar, Superinterceptor, The Box, War, interceptor, superinterceptor
16. Pariah Mod-C by Amazigh
29 wins, 11 losses
won against: , , , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Rail Block, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Orb, Ram, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, antinterceptor3.0, interceptor_m, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: BSoft Quad Blast, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, Figher of doom, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Mining Mayhem, Swordier MK 2, The Box, antiwar, interceptor
17. Lazer_HummingBird by lazerbrain
29 wins, 11 losses
won against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Defender, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Ram, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The fiddler, Tide, WadernMiles, WardenCole
lost against: Anvil, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Swordier MK 2, War, blitzkreig, peace
18. antinterceptor3.0 by Camo5
29 wins, 11 losses
won against: , , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Boxer V5, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Khatar, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, Orb, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Pariah Mod-C, Superinterceptor, War, interceptor
19. Mayfly Variant A by Sirboomalot
28 wins, 12 losses
won against: , , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, WadernMiles, WardenCole, squ1d
lost against: BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_HummingBird, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, Twiggy
20. peace by Deceleration
28 wins, 12 losses
won against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, blitzkreig, interceptor_m, superinterceptor
lost against: Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Sector_Drone_MkI, Superinterceptor, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor
21. blitzkreig by Deceleration
28 wins, 12 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Mess, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, antiwar, interceptor_m
lost against: Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Nacht, Superinterceptor, War, antinterceptor3.0, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
22. superinterceptor by Camo5
28 wins, 12 losses
won against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, SectorDefender, SentinelMinor, Superinterceptor, The Box, The Mess, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, blitzkreig, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Figher of doom, Pariah Mod-C, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelTitan, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, peace
23. Boxer V5 by Tournesol42
28 wins, 12 losses
won against: , , , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Energy Rain, Figher of doom, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mining Mayhem, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, interceptor, squ1d
lost against: BSoft Rail Block, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant B, Oppressoroid, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar
24. Absolute_Zero by Deceleration
27 wins, 13 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Box, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Lazer_HummingBird, Nacht, Sector_Drone_MkI, Superinterceptor, The Mess, War, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
25. BSoft Rail Block by Babarix
26 wins, 14 losses
won against: , , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Figher of doom, Khatar, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Ram, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, squ1d
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Nacht, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Superinterceptor, War, antiwar, blitzkreig, superinterceptor
26. Lazer_Gnideria by lazerbrain
25 wins, 15 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, Tide, WadernMiles
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, FacefulOfPlasma, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Nacht, War, WardenCole, blitzkreig, peace
27. Broadhead Arrow by Colin
23 wins, 17 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer mk.2, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The Box, The Mess, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, antinterceptor3.0, blitzkreig, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, MinorSentinel2, Superinterceptor, War, WardenCole, antiwar, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace
28. SentinelTitan by Horizon
22 wins, 18 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, Tide, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, WardenCole, superinterceptor
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, Drone Master, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Superinterceptor, War, blitzkreig, peace
29. Energy Hail by MoseyDays
22 wins, 18 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Drone Master, Energy Rain, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Ram, SectorDefender, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
lost against: DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, EnterPrize, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Orb, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, War, blitzkreig, peace
30. Drone Master by SHAD0Wdump
22 wins, 18 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, Destroyer mk.2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, squ1d
lost against: DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, Swordier MK 2, The Box, WadernMiles, WardenCole
31. Energy Rain by MoseyDays
21 wins, 19 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Drone Master, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Ram, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
lost against: Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, EnterPrize, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, Swordier MK 2, War, peace
32. Mayfly Variant B by Sirboomalot
21 wins, 19 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Boxer V5, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, squ1d
lost against: , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Rail Block, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Swordier MK 2, WardenCole
33. WardenCole by Horizon
20 wins, 20 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Broadhead Arrow, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Drone Master, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, Tide
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, blitzkreig, peace
34. Twiggy by wyre6330
20 wins, 20 losses
won against: , , , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Khatar, Mayfly Variant A, Mining Mayhem, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: Anonymous, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant B, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Swordier MK 2, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor
35. Khatar by Andrew Seiple
20 wins, 20 losses
won against: , , , , Anonymous, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Figher of doom, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, Ram, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Glassed MK 2, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, Twiggy, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, superinterceptor
36. Sector_Drone_MkI by Horizon
19 wins, 21 losses
won against: Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, SentinelMinor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, peace, superinterceptor
lost against: , Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, EnterPrize, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Tide, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, blitzkreig, interceptor_m
37. Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters by Camo5
19 wins, 21 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, MinorSentinel2, SentinelMinor, The Box, The Mess, WadernMiles, WardenCole, squ1d
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor
38. EnterPrize by Horizon
19 wins, 21 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Broadhead Arrow, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Defender, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Lazer_HummingBird, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, WadernMiles, interceptor_m
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, War, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
39. Ram by Tragar
17 wins, 23 losses
won against: , , , , , Anonymous, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Figher of doom, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, The Box, The Mess, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Khatar, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, Twiggy, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor
40. SectorDefender by Horizon
16 wins, 24 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Rain, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, interceptor_m
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, Energy Hail, EnterPrize, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
41. BSoft Quad Blast by Babarix
16 wins, 24 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Destroyer, Figher of doom, Khatar, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, Tide, squ1d
lost against: , Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, Destroyer mk.2, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Nacht, Orb, Superinterceptor, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor
42. WadernMiles by Horizon
16 wins, 24 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Drone Master, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, Tide, WardenCole
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, War, blitzkreig, peace, superinterceptor
43. Malestrom_Tanker_MkII by Horizon
15 wins, 25 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Hail, FacefulOfPlasma, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_HummingBird, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Superinterceptor, War, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor
44. The fiddler by The Crab
15 wins, 25 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Figher of doom, Mining Mayhem, Ram, The Box, Tide, squ1d
lost against: , , Anonymous, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Swordier MK 2, The Mess, Twiggy, antinterceptor3.0
45. SentinelMinor by Horizon
14 wins, 26 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, SectorDefender, Tide
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, blitzkreig, peace, superinterceptor
46. by BDP
13 wins, 27 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer mk.2, Khatar, Mayfly Variant B, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, squ1d
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Destroyer, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Nacht, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor
47. The Box by bababooie98
12 wins, 28 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Destroyer, Drone Master, Figher of doom, Intersniper_H, Mining Mayhem, Pariah Mod-C, The Mess, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: , , , Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Destroyer mk.2, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Orb, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, superinterceptor
48. Figher of doom by Berg
12 wins, 28 losses
won against: , , , Anonymous, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Pariah Mod-C, The Mess, Twiggy, squ1d, superinterceptor
lost against: , Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Nacht, Orb, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The fiddler, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace
49. FacefulOfPlasma by Gemberkoekje
12 wins, 28 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, interceptor_m
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anvil, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
50. MinorSentinel2 by Horizon
12 wins, 28 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Broadhead Arrow, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Energy Hail, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, SectorDefender, interceptor_m
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Nacht, Oppressoroid, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
51. Anonymous by Kage-Oni
12 wins, 28 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, FacefulOfPlasma, Interceptor, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, The fiddler, Tide
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, blitzkreig, peace
52. Destroyer mk.2 by bababooie98
11 wins, 29 losses
won against: , , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Lonewolf, The Box, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: , BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Bulldog, Destroyer, Drone Master, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Mess, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, superinterceptor
53. Lonewolf by SHAD0Wdump
11 wins, 29 losses
won against: , , Bulldog, Destroyer, Interceptor, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, squ1d
lost against: Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, WadernMiles, WardenCole
54. The Mess by bababooie98
11 wins, 29 losses
won against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Mining Mayhem, The fiddler, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: , , Anvil, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Box, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, superinterceptor
55. by Ryan
11 wins, 29 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Destroyer, Glassed MK 2, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Sector_Drone_MkI, The fiddler, Tide
lost against: Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SectorDefender, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
56. by bababooie98
11 wins, 29 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Destroyer, Figher of doom, Intersniper_H, Mining Mayhem, The Box, The Mess, Tide, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anvil, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Destroyer mk.2, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Khatar, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Nacht, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, superinterceptor
57. interceptor_m by Camo5
10 wins, 30 losses
won against: , BSoft Quad Blast, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Figher of doom, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Sector_Drone_MkI, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, squ1d
lost against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anvil, BSoft Rail Block, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SectorDefender, Superinterceptor, The Box, The Mess, Twiggy, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, superinterceptor
58. Interceptor by knier
10 wins, 30 losses
won against: , , Anonymous, Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, The fiddler, Tide
lost against: Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Glassed MK 2, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, blitzkreig, peace
59. Anonymous by bababooie98
10 wins, 30 losses
won against: , , , Bulldog, Destroyer, Intersniper, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant B, interceptor_m
lost against: , , BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper_H, Mayfly Variant A, Mining Mayhem, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, squ1d, superinterceptor
60. Mining Mayhem by SHAD0Wdump
8 wins, 32 losses
won against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Bulldog, Destroyer mk.2, Lonewolf, Pariah Mod-C, squ1d
lost against: , , Anonymous, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Oppressoroid, Orb, Ram, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
61. Destroyer by bababooie98
8 wins, 32 losses
won against: , , Bulldog, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Mining Mayhem, interceptor_m, squ1d
lost against: , , , Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, superinterceptor
62. Bulldog by SHAD0Wdump
7 wins, 33 losses
won against: , Destroyer mk.2, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Ram, The fiddler, Tide, squ1d
lost against: , Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
63. Anonymous by Nosureph
7 wins, 33 losses
won against: , Bulldog, CanIHazInternetFamez2, Lonewolf, Ram, Tide, Twiggy
lost against: , Anonymous, Boxer V5, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, MinorSentinel2, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The fiddler, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, peace
64. by BDP
6 wins, 34 losses
won against: , , Destroyer, Intersniper, The Box, interceptor_m
lost against: , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anvil, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Destroyer mk.2, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Nacht, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Mess, The fiddler, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, War, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, peace, squ1d, superinterceptor
65. Tide by Sirboomalot
5 wins, 35 losses
won against: Anonymous, Destroyer, Mining Mayhem, Sector_Drone_MkI, squ1d
lost against: , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, Boxer V5, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Twiggy, WadernMiles, WardenCole
66. by TokyoDan
2 wins, 38 losses
won against: Tide, squ1d
lost against: , , , , Anonymous, Anonymous, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Boxer V5, Bulldog, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Interceptor, Khatar, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Oppressoroid, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Twiggy, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar
67. squ1d by bababooie98
2 wins, 38 losses
won against: , Anonymous
lost against: , , , Absolute_Zero, BSoft Quad Blast, BSoft Rail Block, Barbed Arrow, Boxer V5, Broadhead Arrow, Bulldog, Destroyer, Destroyer mk.2, Drone Master, Figher of doom, Glassed MK 2, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Khatar, Lonewolf, Mayfly Variant A, Mayfly Variant B, Mining Mayhem, Orb, Pariah Mod-C, Ram, Superinterceptor, Swordier MK 2, The Box, The Mess, The fiddler, Tide, Twiggy, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, interceptor, interceptor_m, superinterceptor
68. CanIHazInternetFamez2 by Horizon
0 wins, 40 losses
won against:
lost against: , , Absolute_Zero, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anvil, Barbed Arrow, Broadhead Arrow, DHC M-1 Defender, DHC M-1 Winter Contingency, Energy Hail, Energy Rain, EnterPrize, FacefulOfPlasma, Figher of doom, Interceptor, Intersniper, Intersniper_H, Lazer_Gnideria, Lazer_HummingBird, Malestrom_Tanker_MkII, MinorSentinel2, Nacht, Oppressoroid, SectorDefender, Sector_Drone_MkI, SentinelMinor, SentinelTitan, Superinterceptor, Twilight_sparkle_with_less_thrusters, WadernMiles, War, WardenCole, antinterceptor3.0, antiwar, blitzkreig, interceptor, interceptor_m, peace, superinterceptor