We decided to change the name of our game from “Gamma Void” to “Reassembly”. The new name is more specific, descriptive, and meaningful and we think better is a better match. We also wanted to avoid confusion with several other games which also have the word “Void” in their title, in particular modular spaceship building games “Kinetic Void” and “Void Hunters.” Our website will be updated over the next few days to reflect the change and the next alpha build will have a new title screen.

A few people have contacted me asking when the next alpha build will be going out and whether they are included in the alpha program.
The plan is for the next official alpha build to go out some time in August. If you are on the alpha list you will get an email, and I will also make a post here. If you emailed me about the alpha build and I haven’t responded yet, don’t worry, I will go through everyone before sending out the email. No one has been removed from the alpha list.