Anisoptera Games
Based in Los Angeles, CA
Founding date:
March 23rd, 2013
Press / Business Contact:
@REASSEMBLY_rqd on twitter
@manylegged on twitter
Reassembly on facebook
Anisoptera Games is an independent studio based in Los Angeles. We are interested in games that allow deep and creative interaction with interesting dynamic systems (and also space ships and explosions). Primary inspirations include lego, insect behavior, and military technology. Reassembly is an action oriented spaceship building game. Assemble and reassemble your spaceship out of individual blocks as you explore and conquer a dynamic ecosystem. Everything is modular - destroy enemy ships piece by piece and design your ship to function even when damaged. Spawn fighters to escort you or create new space stations or motherships to help consolidate territory.
Early Access and LaunchReassembly was deployed on Steam Early Access in November 2014 and released on February 19th 2015 after an epic number of bug fixes. Development is ongoing.
PAX Prime and KickstarterReassembly was part of the Indie MEGABOOTH at PAX Prime 2014. A Kickstarter was launched on September 3rd to fund completion of the game, eventually raising 35K, significantly past the inital goal.
Reassembly AlphaAn early build of Reassembly (then called Gamma Void) was released to a small group of alpha testers in February 2014. As the game gets closer to completion the alpha pool will gradually grow.
Early historyAnisoptera Games was founded in early 2013 when Arthur Danskin left his job at Nvidia optimizing performance for AAA games with the DirectX group to bring the space ships he had been dreaming about to life. In their first weekend of existence their team won first prize in the Friskies Gamesforcats.com hackathon. They continued work on the modular spaceship project that would eventually become Reassembly. Reassembly is the culmination of a long series of space ship game prototypes, LEGO creations, and research into social insect behavior, astrodynamics, ancient Chinese fiction, and robotic motion planning. The first line of code was actually written in October of 2012 while Arthur was still working at Nvidia. After a few months of working on the game instead of sleeping Anisoptera Games became a full time project.
Launch Trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Anisoptera Games, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!